Monday, January 24, 2011

There is no foreach in JavaScript, use for … in instead

Programmer should be familiar with command foreach, which function is to iterate item within array or collection. This command normally available on most language, vb, php, c, java. Unfortunately, there is no foreach on JavaScript, and I just notice that until few minutes writing this post. After some research and reading over the javascript manual, I found that for … in is replacement for foreach

for … in

This command basically will iterate any object within an array, but instead refer to it’s collection object this command would pass only the key for collection object.


for (variable in object)

Please pay more attention on bolded italic text

for(var cityid in child_cities)

Monday, January 17, 2011

How to opt-in our autoresponder subscriber and run other code simultaneously







To support one of my internet business I decided to use autoresponder service, unfortunately I was not dare enough to invest lots money for Aweber or GetResponse, 2 names listed as top leader on autoresponder business. So I decide to use cheap one, and money does matter. This cheap one didn’t give capability to do opt-in other than using their form, which is bad, because I also need to capture user information on my own database.

So, what I did:

1. Record my user information into database

2. Pass this information into HTML forms that  mimic opt-in form
3. Auto submit the form

It work fine for me.

The code itself is very simple as below, I use PHP and I assume we all already know how to insert into database, redirect and pass information to another form.


I use “display:none” to hide opt-in form, so forwarding process become seamless

   1:  <div style="display:none">

   2:  <form class='subscription_form' id='subscription_form' name="subscription_form" method='POST' action='####FORM_POST_URL####'>

   3:  <div align='center'><center>

   4:  <p>Full name<br><input type='text' name='full_name' size='20' value='<?php echo $name; ?>'></p>

   5:  </center></div>

   6:  <div align='center'><center>

   7:  <p>E-mail address<br><input type='text' name='email' size='20' value='<?php echo $email; ?>'></p>

   8:  </center></div>

   9:  <div align='center'><center>

  10:  <p>Phone #1<br><input type='text' name='phone1' size='20' value='<?php echo $phone; ?>'></p>

  11:  </center></div>

  12:  <input type='hidden' name='capitals' value='1'>

  13:  <input type='hidden' name='subscription_type' value='E'><div align='center'><center>

  14:  <p><input type='submit' value='Go »'></p>

  15:  </center></div>

  16:  <input type='hidden' name='id' value='5250'>

  17:  <input type='hidden' name='full_name_man' value='1'>

  18:  <input type='hidden' name='phone1_man' value='1'>

  19:  </form>

  20:  <div>


  22:  </div>


  24:  <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


  26:  function init_form()

  27:  {

  28:      document.forms["subscription_form"].submit();

  29:  }


  31:  window.onload=init_form;


  33:  </script>

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

K2, a workflow and business process management on Microsoft Platform

image Few weeks back, I was lucky to experienced training for K2, a business process management software released by SourceCode Inc. There were 3 classes I attended, K2 Fundamental, K2 Integration and K2 API Programming.

K2 offers product to help increase business efficiency and simplify work. It basically synergize both technical and non-technical by converting business process to software programming through a visual block diagram. K2 Visual Tools allow people to automate process and streamline operations

Good things I like about this BPM is its capability to deal with many data resource and populate them all into one single virtual storage called as SmartObject. It also provide seamless integration with Sharepoint, which is good, especially for a corporate who already invest much on Microsoft Platform.