To support one of my internet business I decided to use autoresponder service, unfortunately I was not dare enough to invest lots money for Aweber or GetResponse, 2 names listed as top leader on autoresponder business. So I decide to use cheap one, and money does matter. This cheap one didn’t give capability to do opt-in other than using their form, which is bad, because I also need to capture user information on my own database.
So, what I did:
1. Record my user information into database
2. Pass this information into HTML forms that mimic opt-in form
3. Auto submit the form
It work fine for me.
The code itself is very simple as below, I use PHP and I assume we all already know how to insert into database, redirect and pass information to another form.
I use “display:none” to hide opt-in form, so forwarding process become seamless
1: <div style="display:none">
2: <form class='subscription_form' id='subscription_form' name="subscription_form" method='POST' action='####FORM_POST_URL####'>
3: <div align='center'><center>
4: <p>Full name<br><input type='text' name='full_name' size='20' value='<?php echo $name; ?>'></p>
5: </center></div>
6: <div align='center'><center>
7: <p>E-mail address<br><input type='text' name='email' size='20' value='<?php echo $email; ?>'></p>
8: </center></div>
9: <div align='center'><center>
10: <p>Phone #1<br><input type='text' name='phone1' size='20' value='<?php echo $phone; ?>'></p>
11: </center></div>
12: <input type='hidden' name='capitals' value='1'>
13: <input type='hidden' name='subscription_type' value='E'><div align='center'><center>
14: <p><input type='submit' value='Go »'></p>
15: </center></div>
16: <input type='hidden' name='id' value='5250'>
17: <input type='hidden' name='full_name_man' value='1'>
18: <input type='hidden' name='phone1_man' value='1'>
19: </form>
20: <div>
22: </div>
24: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
26: function init_form()
27: {
28: document.forms["subscription_form"].submit();
29: }
31: window.onload=init_form;
33: </script>